Our Story

Veteran Gin was born on 23rd March 2023, in Elizabeth Street, Belgravia. A unique cause-led London Dry leading a renaissance of classical military beginnings. We believe an already exquisite blend tastes even better with the highest purpose fused within the liquid.

We think Veterans are exceptional and deserve as many permanent spotlights as possible across all parts of society.

With the strongest links to the Household Division and over 60 years of family service, a founding member thought it was time to place the exceptional commitment of the Armed Forces onto the Gin shelf by offering a quality option to compete with the regular and somewhat over-familiar choices.

Something cause-led with a practical output to help those in need and above all provide a showcase to extraordinary people who make an extraordinary commitment of unlimited liability.

Gin has a proud military history dating back hundreds of years with the original beginnings and association somewhat lost and disconnected today.

By land and sea it has a rich heritage, standing shoulder to shoulder with values of bravery, duty, selfless commitment and the invincible spirit of never giving up.

Our Mission

Simply, to honour the past, support the future and reset thinking towards one of the few cause-led spirits on the shelf. Importantly, we are determined to keep countless stories of shared sacrifice alive and plugged into our modern world.
Over 1,000,000 British Empire soldiers were killed in action during the First World War. More than 100 years later, over 500,000 still have no known grave. The scale of the catastrophic fighting and relentless engagement meant that many of the fallen were never identified or, very often, never recovered. Thousands of men without name, thousands of names without men and a generation of fathers, sons, uncles, brothers, best friends, sweethearts all left without a final resting place.
For those left behind, no marked grave to centre their grief and spiritually reunite  with their loved one.
Through an ultra premium Gin, we want to encourage thinking and honour, reflect and remember those to whom we all owe so much.
Proceeds from each bottle sold go to support real-time action for Veterans who commonly face struggle and hardship within their communities.
Since launching in 2023 we have;
Funded Monthly Local Veteran Hub Breakfasts
Provided ‘Quick Reaction Support’ to Veterans often lost and disconnected from mainstream services.

Proceeds from the sale of Veteran Gin has enabled us to provide donations to The Walking With The Wounded (WWTW) ‘Quick Reaction Fund’ (QRF) for emergency use such as vital transport costs, day-to-day groceries and other items such as the purchase of PPE for a Veteran who was starting an employment-based training course.

Veteran Gin are proud to have been able to support Jon through his journey from funds placed into the ‘QRF’ managed by WWTW.
“When I was first introduced to Jon (name changed to protect identity), he was sleeping on the sofa of a local drug dealer and was in an extremely precarious position. Initial contact was sporadic due to Jon not having a suitably working device to access calls, texts, emails or the internet. This needed to be addressed immediately so a smart handset was purchased using the Quick Reaction Fund and a SIM card inserted from the Vodafone donation. This improved communication with Jon immediately and we were able to progress things at a much faster speed. Things progressed at a rate which surprised even me”
“Now that I could communicate with Jon efficiently, we moved onto finding him somewhere secure and safe to live. We completed an application for NACRO supported accommodation and were successful in being allocated a room in Stody House (furnished accommodation). Upon moving Jon into the property we once again accessed the QRF to credit both the gas and electricity meters and we also completed a food shop. Within a very short period (ten days), Jon was back in communication and was settled him into a new property with credit on his utility meters and food in his cupboards. Without access to the QRF we would not have been able to achieve this in such a timely manner.”
Jon is now accessing veterans’ football with Manchester City Football Club and we have also supplied him with a gym pass, clothing and hygiene products which will help him to become less socially isolated. The end goal will eventually be to help Jon gain sustainable employment and access to the Quick Reaction Fund will no doubt be required again to support him on his journey.
Veteran Gin
Veteran Gin